Find Your Perfect Teacher Near You

Connect with qualified teachers in your area for personalized learning experiences. Our platform makes it easy to find, book, and learn from the best educators.

Teacher teaching

Why Choose Shikshaa?

Discover the features that make our platform unique

Location-Based Search

Find teachers within your preferred radius for convenient learning.

Easy Scheduling

Book and manage your classes with our intuitive scheduling system.

Verified Teachers

All teachers are thoroughly vetted to ensure quality education.

QR Code Check-ins

Simple and secure class validation using QR code technology.

Secure Platform

Built-in safety features including emergency SOS button.

Flexible Payments

Secure payment system with multiple pricing options.

How It Works

Simple steps to start your learning journey


Create Account

Sign up and complete your profile with your learning preferences.


Find Teachers

Search for qualified teachers in your area and view their profiles.


Start Learning

Book sessions and begin your personalized learning experience.

Ready to Start Learning?

Join thousands of students finding their perfect teachers.